Ribeye Steak By Natdanai “Next” Ongarjvaja





views: 436


Steak is a simple menu for anyone who just began their cooking journey. The process is beginner-friendly; you only need to be aware of some key techniques. And though the cooking process is simple, the result could be rewarding if you get it right. Let's explore how anybody could pull out a perfect


  • Ribeye 200-300 g
  • Garlic 3-4 cloves
  • Rosemary
  • Black Pepper
  • Salt
  • Butter 20 g
  • Vegetable Oil 1 tb
  • Procedure

    1. 1) Choosing the right piece of steak for your liking is the first step towards cooking a perfect steak. The reason I selected ribeye for this time is that ribeye gives out many flavors of meat and fat within one piece. If you prefer the all-in-one experience, ribeye is the part to go for. If you are more of a meat lover, flank or tenderloin could also be a good option.
    2. 2) You should clean your steak one more time even though the manufacturer might claim that they have already cleaned it for you. After cleaning the steak with clean water, you should use cooking tissues or a clean towel to dry your steak thoroughly before you proceed to the next step.
    3. 3) After the steak is cleaned and dried, you can season your steak with salt and pepper on both sides. Be careful not to over-season your steak! A pinch of salt and pepper is already good enough for each side.
    4. 4) Heat is the most important factor that leads to a perfect steak. Set a, preferably, non-stick pan on the highest heat possible from your stove. Add some vegetable oil to help disperse the heat to every part of your steak.
    5. 5) Carefully lay your steak down on the pan. Be careful not to burn yourself here! While the steak is sizzling on the pan, please wait for a bit before you flip your steak to the other side. Putting the steak on high heat helps seal the moisture inside the steak, so your steak will be juicy when it is fully cooked.
    6. 6) After you seal both sides of your steak, you can switch to medium and continue to cook your steak until you reach the level you like (130-140°F is recommended for medium-rare). You should not flip your steak too often to ensure that the temperature is not dropped significantly. If you don't have a cooking thermometer, you can press the steak and check its stiffness. You can put your thumb and middle finger together and try pressing the area of your palm locating right next to your thumb, medium-rare should be roughly as stiff as the area you are pressing.
    7. 7) After the steak reaches the level you like, turn down the heat to low. Then, slide the steak to the far end of the pan and put the butter, garlic, and rosemary on the closer end of the pan. While the butter melts, use a spoon to scoop up the melted butter that is infused with garlic and rosemary and pour it over your steak repeatedly until the garlic is cooked. This step is called "blasting." It enhances the aroma of your steak considerably.
    8. 8) Take the steak out of the pan and rest it for at least 5 minutes. During this time, the excess water will come out of the steak. After that, you can serve your steak in any way you like. Butter-grilled garlic that we made in the previous step is also a good topping for your steak. I don't recommend eating the rosemary since it is not tasty.
    9. 9) If you reach this step, congratulation! You have successfully cooked a perfect steak.

    created by NextZtepS
    Developer, Harvey Mudd College '26

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